Energy industry specialists with a proven track record

As well as focusing on developing our Saltfleetby gas project and our Balcombe, Lidsey and Brocham oil fields Angus Energy plan to use our geological, drilling and engineering skills to take the opportunity to repurpose onshore hydrocarbon wells for the production and storage of geothermal energy and the use of older fields for the storage of CO2 or hydrogen.

Our firm provides conventional production and low-risk exploration opportunities that are cash flow efficient.

Saltfleetby Gas Field

The Saltfleetby Gas Field is located onshore UK in licence PEDL005, producing gas from East Lincolnshire.

The field was discovered in 1996, producing gas from both the Westphalian Sandstones and Namurian reservoirs and was, upon discovery, the largest onshore gas field in the UK, with a GIIP of 114 BCF.

Production began in 1999 at rates exceeding 50 MMScf per day, with produced gas, water, and condensate piped via a 10” pipeline to the nearby Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal (TGT). Here it was processed and sent into the National Grid. Eight wells and several sidetracks have been drilled on the site.

Key Facts:

Licence PEDL005 (Saltfleetby)
Licence Area 91.8km2
Location Lincolnshire
Operator Angus Energy
Angus Interest 100%
Wells SF2, SF4, SF5, SF6, SF7, SF8

In 2017 TGT was shut down, leaving the field stranded with nowhere to process the produced gas and no direct export route. Angus Energy acquired a 100% interest and operatorship in the field in May 2022 and built a new processing facility on site. The facilities ensure gas is at the required pressure, temperature, and specification to be sent to the National Grid, and also include a new export pipeline of some 750m, to connect the field directly to the National Transmission System.

Following successful reconnection to the National Grid, Angus recommenced production from the site in August 2022. Initial estimates of the remaining recoverable gas and condensate exceed 30bcf, with production achieving an average daily flow rate of 5.2 mmscfd and a peak flow rate of 5.7 mmscfd in the month of September 2022. This flow rate is expected to increase with the installation of a new compressor, doubling capacity at the site.

Development of the field includes the drilling of new side-tracks, and also investigating the potential of the Southern Lobe.

Balcombe Field Discovery

Angus Energy holds a 25% stake in and is the Operator of, the Balcombe Discovery along with its partners Cuadrilla and Lucas Bolney.

The Balcombe site lies approximately 8km south east of Crawley near the village of Balcombe. The conventional oil accumulation lies on the downthrown side of the Borde Hill Fault, with dip closure present both to the east and west at Upper Jurassic level. The field is positioned in a prime central location of the Weald Basin, where buried rock intervals are at their thickest, and oil source rock intervals at their most mature.

Key Facts:

Licence PEDL244
Licence Area 154km2
Location Weald Basin, UK, SE of Crawley
Operator Angus Energy
Angus Interest 25%
Partners Cuadrilla Balcombe Ltd. 56.25%, Lucas Bolney Ltd. 18.75%
Wells Balcombe 1, Balcombe 2Z (to be tested)

Angus Energy holds a 25% stake in and is the Operator of, the Balcombe Discovery along with its partners Cuadrilla and Lucas Bolney. The Balcombe site lies approximately 8km south east of Crawley near the village of Balcombe. The conventional oil accumulation lies on the downthrown side of the Borde Hill Fault, with dip closure present both to the east and west at Upper Jurassic level. The field is positioned in a prime central location of the Weald Basin, where buried rock intervals are at their thickest, and oil source rock intervals at their most mature.

Balcombe regional location within the Weald Basin, southern UK

The discovery well Balcombe – 1 was first drilled in 1986 by Conoco, targeting the Great Oolite, Portland Sandstone and Mid Kimmeridge Micrite. Based on the evidence gained from Balcombe 1, and the proven presence of hydrocarbons in the Mid Kimmeridge Micrite, Cuadrilla (the previous operator) was granted planning permission by WSCC (West Sussex County Council) in April 2010 to undertake exploration work at the site. Subsequently, Balcombe – 2 and its associated side track Balcombe – 2Z were drilled to a vertical depth of 2,200 ft, and horizontally to a length of some 1,714 ft through the upper Kimmeridge Micrite. No hydraulic fracturing was carried out, nor will it ever be at Balcombe.

The Balcombe Discovery is considered to be in the ‘sweet spot’ of the Weald Basin given the 568m thickness and highest maturity of the Kimmeridge layers. Regional work by Angus has established that the Kimmeridge micrite layers encountered at Balcombe can be regionally correlated across to both the Brockham oil field and Horse Hill, where in 2016 UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC and their partners announced excellent flow rates from the Upper and Lower Kimmeridge Micritic limestone reservoirs.

Regional correlation of the Micritic limestone intervals across the Weald Basin

The Balcombe – 2Z side track has opened up an approximately 1,700 ft horizontal section through the upper Kimmeridge Micrite, which is naturally fractured and offers an extensive zone through the reservoir to test. This same zone was tested very successfully at Horse Hill in 2016 flowing ~900 bopd from the same limestone section through which the horizontal Balcombe 2Z well is drilled. The well is to be tested shortly.

All operations at Balcombe will be performed through conventional production. There will be no hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”.

Angus Energy tested the Balcombe 2Z well in the Autumn of 2018 and achieved strong oil flow rates to surface. However, the oil production rates were restricted by drilling fluids not totally recovered from the well. The company intends to return to the site to recover remaining drilling fluids and carry out an Extended Well Test to prove up the commercial potential of the field.

Angus Energy submitted a planning application to West Sussex County Council (WSCC), in 2020, to perform an Extended Well Test on the Balcombe 2Z well. The project should generate significant cash flow for the company, however the WSCC Planning Committee have refused the application. The Company has had further discussions with West Sussex County Council and has submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The WSCC Planning Committee’s decision to reject our application was against the Planning Officers’ recommendation to approve.

Lidsey Oil Field

The Lidsey oil field is located in the production licence PL241, onshore West Sussex near Bognor Regis, on the southern flank of the Weald Basin.

Angus energy is the operator and majority partner of the licence and currently holds a 80% interest in the field.

The field was discovered in 1987 by Carless exploration with the Lidsey 1 discovery well, which encountered oil in the Middle Jurassic Bathonian Great Oolite formation. The formation is sealed by the overlying Oxford Clay (proven to be effective at both Humbly Grove & Horndean) and sourced by the Lias, Kimmeridge Clay & Oxford Clay.

Brockham Oil Field

Angus Energy is the operator and majority partner of production licence PL235 located in the Weald Basin, onshore UK. Angus currently holds a 80% interest in the Brockham field.

The Brockham field was first discovered by BP in the late 1980’s and since then has a long history of production from the Portland Sandstone, a conventional sandstone oil reservoir.

Production from the Portland Sandstone has continued since discovery in the 1980’s right up to the last few years. The field has undergone a steady and predictable decline in production rate as the asset has matured.

Our Leadership Team

Angus Energy have a clear company focus and operating model which involves breathing new life into old assets, increasing production and unlocking new reserves. Our board of directors have an outstanding knowledge of the oil and gas industry and a track record of success within it.

Krzysztof Zielicki

Non-Executive Chairman

Krzysztof has over four decades of experience in the oil and gas industry. He has held senior leadership positions in...

Richard Herbert

Richard Herbert

Chief Executive Officer

Richard is a geologist by profession, with over 42 years in the upstream oil and gas business. His previous roles include...

Carlos Fernandes

Carlos Fernandes

Finance Director

Carlos has been part of the Angus team since 2013 and has seen the company’s transition from private to public. Prior to his appointment as Finance Director...

Antoine Vayner

Antoine Vayner

Non-Executive Director

Antoine Vayner has joined the Board of Directors as a Non-Executive Director, representing the largest shareholder, Kemexon. Antoine brings...

Tim Kaye

Director of UK Operations (Non-Board)

Tim has acted as former Operations Lead for North Sea at Enquest and BP